What started as a simple walk on the beach.......

It's funny how things take shape.  It wasn’t as though we had big dreams of writing a book.  To be honest, the thought had never really even crossed either of our minds. It wasn’t until one sweltering south Florida morning, while walking along the beach, that we stumbled in to the idea. Like always, the conversation was plentiful and covered a wide spectrum of topics. Entertained by our own comments we realized that you can’t make up half the shit that happens in real life, and in a snarky moment we were inspired. Our chatter bounced back and forth, each of us adding another detail or 'what if'. It wasn't long before one of us recognized that we might have the makings for a great little story and, for shits and grins, we agreed to start writing it down.

​Having no experience in the writing and publishing world, and having to juggle the hustle and bustle of our hectic lives, against all odds, we transformed our 'little story' into a four hundred-page novel.

​As our book evolved, so did our friendship in ways we never would have imagined. The hours upon hours we spent staying up late writing, weeding through edits over the phone, and working through ‘technical difficulties’ were countless. The therapeutic value of our project and the time spent laughing until we cried (and sometimes crying until we laughed) are priceless. And the amount of wine, cheese and olives we consumed is ridiculous! Seriously.

​The many challenges we faced along the way didn't stop us only because we had eachother to lean on, to depend on, and to give a kick in the ass when necessary (let it be known that Anita has significantly more bruises on her ass then Kelly).

​This book is truly the product of soul sisters teaching each other how to fly.

​We hope you enjoy reading our heartfelt, sexy little story, STONED as much as we enjoyed writing it.​